avril 05, 2024 - avril 05, 2024
/ Europe
Date: 5 April, 2024
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Language: English
The next edition of the TiiM congress will take place on 5 April 2024. Technology and medicine have been inextricably linked for years. Medicine makes grateful use of increasingly modern techniques to offer the best treatment to the individual patient. Innovations are emerging more and more often, the medical added value and possibilities of which are unclear. Technological progress is often faster than traditionally evidence-based medicine.
The TiiM Congress aims to bring these topics and all professionals involved together; This is the moment that technical physicians, innovators and doctors come into contact with industry and with decision-makers in healthcare. The latest developments and the current state of affairs are highlighted and discussed. All this from a medical-technical point of view.
Meet and Greet Robert Paassen and Wouter Mattheussens at their booth during the event.
For more information about the event and to register, please visit the event website.
Qserve Attendees: