India Medical Device Regulations

Regulatory requirements for medical devices in India

Medical Device Rules India

India Medical Device Regulations

The India Medical Device Regulations are under provisions of the Medical Device Rules 2017 and the newly introduced Medical Device (Amendment) Rules 2020.

In India, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) is the authority responsible for medical device and in-vitro diagnostic devices (IVD) approval, registration, and administration. CDSCO is governed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It regulates medical devices and IVD devices under provisions of the Medical Device Rules 2017 and the newly introduced Medical Devices (Amendment) Rules 2020. Underlying is the Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940. Market Access/India Medical Device Regulations.jpg?preset=content

Medical Device Classification in India

India Medical Device Regulations

Medical devices are classified following a risk-based approach comparable with the EU and the FDA classification systems in the US. The range spans from low risk as Class A, low-moderate risk as Class B, moderate-high risk as Class C, and high risk as Class D. The Central Licensing Authority (CLA) shall classify the medical devices. The India Medical Device Regulations CDSCO lists the devices category and specifies which products shall be considered as medical devices for registration. Class A devices can be considered self-declaration and must be registered in the Indian online system. Details such as manufacturer’s name, address, product generic name, and brand name must be provided. The importers are required to do the same online registration as well. 

Representation for foreign manufacturers

Appoint an Indian Authorized Agent

All medical devices shall obtain a manufacturing import permit approved by CDSCO before being legally distributed in the market. The application for this permit can be submitted via the online portal SUGAM by the Indian authorized agent. 

If a company does not have a physical establishment in India, it is required to appoint a local Indian Authorized Agent (IAA). Multiple Authorized Agents can register the same product. The authorized agent can be a foreign company’s local office, an independent agency, or an appointed natural person.


Global regulatory strategy

India has quite a large population (=/- 1,4 billion) and imports 90% of all sophisticated medical devices. Significant government investments in India's healthcare infrastructure and industry exist, making India a potential market for Medical Device and In Vitro Diagnostic manufacturers. Qserve supports your global regulatory strategy to make informed choices on market access with India Medical Device Regulations.

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Medical Device Registration and IVDs

Our regulatory consulting specialists support market access in the Indian medical device market. Based on your current compliance, we can conduct a gap analysis to determine the overlap and missing elements on how to complete the technical documentation efficiently. Qserve knows the essential requirements to ensure how to achieve regulatory compliance.  

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Qserve services for India

  • Global Regulatory Strategy
  • Registration support in India
  • Online registration in India
  • Indian Authorized Agent support
  • CDSCO license requirements support
  • Translation labels and IFUs based on requirements


Registration routes in India

Medical approval process in India

The registration of medical devices in India has become mandatory, effective 1 October 2023. The registration applies to all new Class A (measuring or sterile), Class B, Class C, and Class D devices. Considering that registration before the application date of 1 October 2023 was voluntary, CDSCO allowed for an enforced transition until 1 October 2023.

Manufacturers are expected to provide comprehensive technical documentation, including clinical evidence, on their products. By utilizing similar technical documentation, manufacturers can benefit from their existing market approvals. However, compared to other countries, CDSCO India Medical Device Regulations focuses on predicate devices on the market, which will benefit the registration process.


Abridged routes to the Indian Market

Two types of registration pathways 

Option 1: Predicate device and approval in a GHTF* country.
India recognizes certain countries’ regulatory approvals to decrease overall review timelines and complete a simplified assessment process. The FDA follows a faster assessment pathway for devices approved under the scope of a CE mark than those without. Conformity to ISO 13485:2016 is a recognized quality management system in India. 

Option 2: Predicate device and no approval in a GHTF country.
The Special Expert Committee (SEC) will execute the technical assessment process. The review lead times depend on the type of device and associated risk class. The device falls under an ‘Investigational Medical Device.’ The SEC focuses on the requirements for clinical evidence and the performance of the devices remaining unchanged in the Indian population.


Do you need assistance with your strategy with the India Medical Device Regulations?  

Qserve is your trusted partner for market access in India.

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Expand your knowledge

On-demand webinar

The free webinar series on Medical Device Registration will cover interesting topics on how to enter the Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Latin-American (LATAM) markets and how to meet regulatory compliance. Learn more about the regulatory framework in India, Australia, New Zealand, and Malaysia, presented by our regulatory affairs associates.


Regulatory timelines and fees

How long does it take to enter
the Indian medical device market? 

Class A (non-sterile and non-measuring) devices are immediately approved. For higher-risk classes (Notified devices), depending on the approach, the turnaround time is 6-9 months* or 18+ months (in case of no predicate device, clinical trials are required for approval). 

Explore your journey

Understanding the regulations

Making informed choices

Understanding the pros and cons of the various pathways for market access in India is essential to making informed choices. To understand the most feasible and cost effective approach to enter the Indian market, Qserve can help you in determining your regulatory roadmap. 

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