Qserve's EU-MDR and IVDR Booklets

Available in two convenient sizes for traveling and on your desk

Regulation booklets

Order your EU-MDR and EU-IVDR Booklets now

The Qserve MDR and IVDR booklets are both available in two convenient sizes:

  • Desk-size booklet | 8,6 x 9,1-inch size for €59,99*.
    A bigger booklet for your desk.
  • Travel-size booklet | 5.3 x 5.9 inch (A6) for €59,99**
    A small booklet that comes in handy when traveling and being on the road.

*Prices exclusive shipping-costs

** MDR travel booklet is in back order

The booklets consist of two parts: the Regulation section and the Annexes section. With convenient tabs to make it is a one-second job to switch from one subject to another. Perfect for everybody working in the Medical Device or in vitro diagnostic world.

The MDR booklet is updated with C1, C2 & M1. 


Would you like to order 10 or more booklets?
Please contact marketing@qservegroup.com for a discount!


Order the EU-MDR and EU-IVDR Booklets through our form

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