Malaysia Medical Device Regulations

Qserve supports regulatory compliance with the Malaysia Medical Device Regulatory Authority.

Medical Device Act (Act 737, 20212)

Malaysia Medical Device Regulations

In Malaysia, the Medical Device Authority (MDA), under the governance of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, is the authority responsible for medical devices. The MDA regulates medical devices and IVDs under the Medical Device Act (Act 737, 2012).

Malaysia has streamlined routes for foreign manufacturers to gain market approval, aligning with the efficient Singapore approach. Products approved in recognized countries like Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, and the USA will undergo a simplified Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) review process for accelerated approval. Qserve is able to provide and support compliance against the Malaysia Medical Device Regulations. Market Access/Malaysia Medical Device Regulations.jpg?preset=content

Medical Device Classification in Malaysia

Malaysia Medical Device Regulations

Medical devices are classified on a risk basis from class A, B, C, and D. Class A is the lowest risk, and Class D is the highest risk.

If the devices have not been approved in the recognized countries, a full CAB assessment will be performed for class B, C, and D devices for validation and verification. A technical file based on the Common Submission Dossier Template shall be prepared and submitted to MDA for approval. Conformity to ISO13485:2016 is a recognized quality management system in Malaysia.


Medical Device Registration in Malaysia

Registration process

All medical devices must be registered with MDA since 1st July 2016, and the application can be submitted via Malaysia’s online Medical Device Centralized Online Application System (MeDC@St).  Applications of class B, C, and D devices will be reviewed by a registered Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for approval, which plays a role similar to the European Notified Body. 

Based on CAB’s evaluation, MDA will grant the final approval, and the approved product will be listed on the MDA website. Class A devices are exempt from such procedure and can directly submit through MeDC@St. Like other countries, the basic principle of the conformity assessment is to collect evidence and demonstrate that the intended device meets the applicable essential principles of safety and performance.
Global regulatory strategy

Navigating the diverse avenues for market access in Malaysia requires a thorough understanding. Malaysia has streamlined pathways to the market, drawing parallels with the Singaporean approach. Qserve is well-equipped to assist you in shaping a comprehensive global regulatory strategy to support your market access endeavors.

Free introductory call

Learn more about Malaysia

You can learn more about the regulatory approval process and the required registration documentation by watching the Free Webinar: Medical Device Registration Asia-Pacific part 2 on-demand recording including Malaysia Medical Device Regulations.

On-Demand webinar

Qserve services for Malaysia

  • Registration support in Malaysia
  • Medical Device Act gap assessment
  • Authorized Representative support
  • Translation labels and IFUs based on requirements

Representation for foreign manufacturers

Authorized Representative requirement

If a foreign company does not have a physical establishment in Malaysia, it is required to appoint a local license holder to be the Authorized Representative (AR). The AR shall be responsible for the device registration on behalf of the foreign manufacturers and take on the following duties: 
  • Act on foreign manufacturers’ behalf to conduct the conformity assessment, apply for review with CAB, and obtain MDA approval;
  • Establish, maintain, and implement an appropriate QMS;
  • Obtain establishment license;
  • List its name, address, and contact on the label of represented devices;
  • Maintain communication between CAB and MDA and the foreign manufacturer;
  • Handle post-market activities and post-approval change management;
  • Only one AR shall represent one product.

Latest Regulatory Developments

CE-marking accepted during EU-MDR transition

The certificates from recognized countries to support Malaysia registration shall be valid during the new registration and re-registration submission. However, due to the unpredictable timeline and issues with regards to the transition to the EU MDR, and to ensure continuous supply of the medical devices in the market, MDA has taken an approach to allow expired EC Certificate to be used for conformity assessment procedure by way of verification process with the registered CABs if the following conditions are met:

  • The devices continue to comply with Directive 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC; and
  • There are no significant changes in the design and intended purpose, and
  • The devices do not present an unacceptable risk to the health or safety of patients, users, or other persons or other aspects of the protection of public health.
Labeling guidance 

Update that the label should include

“Description and intended use” changed to “details necessary for a user to identify the device, the contents of the packaging, and, where it is not obvious for the user, the intended purpose of the device.” 


Change notification guidance 

The updated version features sections on the EU regulation

Malaysia has categorized the types of changes, such as significant changes.
The baseline continues to be if you would inform the FDA and your Notified Body about a change, then this is also the time to inform the MDA.


Do you need assistance with your strategy to comply with Malaysia Medical Device Regulations?  

Qserve is your trusted partner for market access in Malaysia.

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Registration Validity

License validity

All manufacturers, authorized representatives (AR), importers, and distributors must apply for an establishment license.  The validity of the establishment license is three years, and license renewal shall be applied one year prior to its expiry date. All manufacturers and AR (foreign manufacturers) must apply for medical device registration; the license is valid for five years.

Regulatory timelines and fees

Malaysia registration timeline

The turnaround times for receiving approval depend on the risk class, ranging from 30 working days for class A to 220 working days for class D. 

*The mentioned fees are currently applicable and may be changed over the course of time. Market Access/Malaysia medical device registration timeline.png?preset=content

Important links and guidance

Where to find more information?